Umbrella Home Care is a proud CDHCI provider in Alberta

Female doctor comforting injured disabled handicapped - Umbrella Home Care
March 25th, 2022

The Benefits of In-House Nursing Care Services in Calgary

Do you have a close friend or family member in need of nursing care? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, in 2019, over 380,000 seniors were either in a nursing facility or were enrolled in an in-home nursing care program. Moreover, that number is expected to rise to an estimated 606,000 patients by 2031. As such, we here at Umbrella Home Care are here to help.

With our more than 10 years of hospital experience, we bring our expertise and knowledge to where you feel most comfortable – your home. We focus on everything from patient degeneration to dispensing medication, all the way to reducing the emotional toll suffered by loved ones.

Keep reading to learn more about Umbrella Home Care’s nursing care services in Calgary.

What Are Nursing Care Services?

Simply put, nursing care services relate to the process of nursing itself. Namely, to assess the patient, diagnose their condition, and develop a plan for recovery or general patient care. In the case of Umbrella Home Care’s at-home treatment approach, this simply involves the nurse coming to the patient rather than the other way around.

Here at Umbrella Home Care, we operate on the idea of continuity. Meaning, we employ a consistent and unbroken method of patient care to assist with proper recovery or treatment. This enables a steady progression of improvement to occur over time.

As a result, the patient feels an enhancement in their overall quality of life due to incremental, yet consistent improvements in their condition; and all within the comfort of their own home.

Why Should You Take Nursing Care Services From Us?

As caregivers, we aim to provide the assistance you or your loved one needs for full recuperation. And in order to do this, we produce a tailor-made treatment plan geared toward you and your current condition. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to medical care.

We understand this, and as a result, we can cohesively work with you to provide the treatment method most appropriate for your situation. Whether you’re managing a severe medical condition, or you’re a senior citizen who just requires a little supervision and care; our caregivers are here for support.

Our healthcare professionals are kind, patient, understanding, and experienced. For these reasons – in addition to many others – you will find that you’re in trusted and caring hands.

Moreover, other than patient care, we also offer other services which include but are not limited to:

  • Wound, ostomy, and catheter care
  • Family member support
  • Regulation of diabetes
  • Prescription administration, and more

How Much Do Nursing Care Services Cost?

Different nursing care providers will come with varying rates. It’s all dependent on factors such as experience, the company you choose, the packages/programs that are available, etc. However, there are some general estimates that you can expect to see in regards to nursing care service prices.

In Alberta, you can expect to pay by the hour beginning at about $30. This price increases when the services provided add more value. But generally speaking, $30/hr up to about $60/hr is a rough estimate.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with a serious medical condition or old age is never easy. However, these situations can be compounded further with the added inconvenience of having to travel to see your healthcare specialists. Let us come to you.

At Umbrella Home Care, you’ll experience the benefits of high-quality medical treatment without ever leaving your home. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer.

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