Umbrella Home Care is a proud CDHCI provider in Alberta

Happy National Home Care and Hospice Month!
November 10th, 2023

Happy National Home Care and Hospice Month!

It’s November, and that means it’s National Home Care and Hospice Month, a time to celebrate the healthcare workers who provide support for seniors across the country. At Umbrella Home Care, we’re showing appreciation for our dedicated nurses and personal care aides who give our clients the support they need to recover, thrive, and age at home.

To highlight the importance of these heroes, we’re taking a look at the crucial services our senior home care aides and nurses provide to keep older adults safe and comfortable while continuing to live at home.

Building Tailored Care Plans

Every senior is unique and that means that what works for one client isn’t necessarily going to work for another. Our nurses get to know senior clients and their families to ensure that everything from the schedule of care to the services we provide is sufficient to ensure a safe home environment and a high quality of life.

Monitoring Mental & Physical Health

Our senior home care aides and nurses are dedicated to ensuring the ongoing health and wellness of their clients. At every visit, mental and physical health is monitored, and if any decline or changes are noted, care plans are re-evaluated and adjusted by the supervising nurse, along with input from home care aides, family members, and the client’s doctor.

Assisting with Activities of Daily Living

For seniors who struggle with mobility or daily tasks like bathing, hair brushing, and dressing, a senior home care aide provides the support they need to continue living at home, prolonging the need for residential assisted living or nursing home care.

Companionship & Support

Perhaps one of the most important things our senior caregivers do is provide companionship and support for our clients. For those who live alone, the companionship provided by our team prevents feelings of isolation in seniors and for those who don’t, the companionship of our caregivers ensures that they have someone outside the home who they can rely on for friendship and support.

Learn More About our Caregiving Services

If you’d like to learn more about having our team of licensed nurses and caregivers provide in-home care to your senior loved one, connect with us today. We’ll return your message within 24 hours and schedule a free in-home consultation to help you determine if we’re the right fit for you and your loved one.

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