Umbrella Home Care is a proud CDHCI provider in Alberta

Woman spending time with her elderly mother - Umbrella Home Care
June 25th, 2022

The Importance Of In-Home Dementia Care Services In Calgary

Did you know that seniors with dementia receiving in-home care are admitted to hospitals less frequently, compared to seniors with dementia who don’t receive in-home care? According to Pauline Tardif, CEO of the Alzheimer Society of Canada,

“Canadians living with dementia want to maintain their independence; they want to live at home and engage with their community. Comprehensive home and community care is an essential part of this equation. It helps maintain quality of life for people with dementia while also providing needed support for caregivers.”

People living with dementia want to maintain as much of their independence as possible and be surrounded by the familiar settings of their home, but they require proper care and support to do so. This is where in-home dementia care services in Calgary can be a life-changing option.

What are in-home Dementia Care Services?

Dementia Care Services include a broad range of care and support tailored to each individual’s needs. Some of the challenges of living at home with dementia include forgetfulness, cognitive impairment, feelings of isolation and depression, and needing increased assistance for daily living.

At Umbrella Home Care, our care providers have the experience, knowledge, and tools to provide professional in-home care and support for seniors with dementia. We have the training to help dementia clients manage behaviours, stay calm and oriented, and do activities that are enjoyable and stimulating.

Our Dementia Care Services include:

  • Medication reminder
  • Wellness visit
  • Assistance with personal care and hygiene
  • Meal preparation
  • Companionship and social assistance
  • Light housekeeping
  • Family support & respite

The challenges of caring for individuals with dementia

Many families in Calgary are caring for senior parents and loved ones living with dementia at home, helping with daily chores, groceries, errands, personal care, and companionship. The biggest challenge here is caregiver burnout and overwhelm with a lack of additional support.

This can be further exacerbated without the training required to help an individual with dementia reduce their anxiety, navigate any confusion, identify signs of depression, handle responsive behaviours, and more. People living with dementia have complex care needs – the help of professional caregivers can be beneficial. Furthermore, it eases the responsibility on the family so they can focus on spending quality time with their loved one.

The cost of Dementia Care Services

The cost of in-home dementia care varies depending on the needs of each individual. At Umbrella Home care, our services are personalized, developed by a team of Registered Nurses who understand what it means to care for a person living with dementia.

Book a free consultation with us and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

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